Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ways to Beat the Deadly Procrastination Demon

If you know a project is due in 4 weeks, schedule time to work on it at least 3 weeks before deadline. That way, even if you procrastinate some you still have time to get it done and be ahead of the game. If something sits on your to-do list for more than a few weeks, it's time to admit you're probably never going to get it done. That leaves you two choices: take it off your to-do list because it isn't really that important, or outsource it. Then, in my early twenties, I went back to finish college and something changed. Suddenly I had goals (number one being finish school ASAP), and things I wanted to do in life (start a business, go kayaking, move somewhere amazing). So I started finding ways to get around my old habits. Nowadays friends and clients often mention how amazed they are at how much I get done. And sometimes I am too. With all I have on my plate, if I want to stay successful--and continue to grow my business--procrastination simply can't be part of the picture. Get organized! One of the most common reasons for not getting things done is lack of organization